The AT2XT adapter is designed to allow you to connect an AT keyboard to a XT class computer. The device itself is a small PCB encapsulated in heat shrink wrap to prevent it from shorting out. We include a 3 foot cable to connect from your XT to the AT2XT as well as an adapter cable which allows the use of most any AT keyboard. You can connect a normal 5 pin DIN or 5-pin mini-DIN, IE PS/2-style connector. The device works with almost any AT compatible keyboard, just plug it in and go!
In the event of an error “Scan Code E0”, there is a small jumper on the bottom of the board which can be cut to resolve the issue. This seems to be exceptionally rare, and out of our large keyboard collection, I could not find one which needed this change.
We have had many requests for an AT2XT keyboard adapter, so we used the one which seemed the most tried and true. This design has been in use in many different forms for over a decade, and was originally designed by Chuck G. He has made many homebrew devices, and this is one of his best! Thanks Chuck!