Category: Uncategorized
Announcing the New QuadFlop from TexElec!
The QuadFlop is a four-port ISA based floppy controller which has some additional features not found on other controllers. It has a built-in display to show drive activity which can be removed from the card, and mounted remotely. It also has a microcontroller installed to send TG43 information automatically to 8″ floppy drives which need this support. Read more about it here: Quad-Flop – Four Port ISA Floppy Controller – TexElec
Introducing the QuadFlop Floppy Controller

I would like to thank Shelby with Tech Tangents for his recent review of our upcoming card, the QuadFlop Floppy Controller. We have been through a few revisions, and Shelby has been very patient working through the bugs with us. I first designed this to have TG43 support for 8″ floppy drives, and it got a little out of control from there. 🙂
We really wanted to release the card by now, but the last year has been one shortage after another and now, we are completely out of ROM chips. I have already designed an adapter board to use a TSOP version of the ROM chips in the DIP socket. Short-term, we will be using these on some of our products, including the QuadFlop.
We should only be a few weeks away from launch, and I plan to do a video to show off all the features, so keep an eye on our YouTube channel. If you want a sneak peek, check out Shelby’s review of the card, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjNBPHjUSHE

TexElec will be at VCF MidWest Sept 10th & 11th
Hello Everyone! We’re attending VCFMW again this year and we can’t wait for the event! We will have some of our products for sale, live demos and a nearly complete Commander X16 on display! Stop by and say hello if you’re attending, we would love to meet you!

TexElec will be at VCF Midwest on Sept. 11-12

Hey everyone, this is Kevin with TexElec! I just wanted to let everyone know I’ll be attending the Midwest Vintage Computer Festival on September 11th and 12th in Elmhurst, IL. I’ll be at the 8-Bit Guy’s Booth with him and the Commander X16 prototype. If you have a minute, stop by, squeeze through the crowd of people who aren’t there to see me, and say hi. David told me a few weeks back that LGR will be at the booth directly next to us. So, if you’re wondering who the weird spare guy standing between the two famous people is, well, that would be me. 🙂

Microsoft Campus Building 26 Memories & Windows 2000 Beta / Launch

Good Morning Everyone! A few days ago, I saw an image of Building 26 on Microsoft Campus being demolished. This building was pretty special back in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s. It turns out, I was involved in the Windows 2000 beta cycle myself so I happen to have some video and pics of events tied to it and the subsequent release. There are a few photos of me in there too, and lots of folks involved in the Windows 2000 release. Goodbye 26, we had some great memories and insanity!