I would like to thank Shelby with Tech Tangents for his recent review of our upcoming card, the QuadFlop Floppy Controller. We have been through a few revisions, and Shelby has been very patient working through the bugs with us. I first designed this to have TG43 support for 8″ floppy drives, and it got a little out of control from there. 🙂
We really wanted to release the card by now, but the last year has been one shortage after another and now, we are completely out of ROM chips. I have already designed an adapter board to use a TSOP version of the ROM chips in the DIP socket. Short-term, we will be using these on some of our products, including the QuadFlop.
We should only be a few weeks away from launch, and I plan to do a video to show off all the features, so keep an eye on our YouTube channel. If you want a sneak peek, check out Shelby’s review of the card, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjNBPHjUSHE